Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Thank You to Sean Buvala and

A few days ago, I received a phone call from a woman who told me she had just retired from teaching, and now wanted to become a storyteller and tell stories in schools. The happiness in her voice as she described her dream took me back to the start of my own journey. Her call was a welcome chance for me to “pay forward” a little of what I have received over the years.  
As we talked, I recalled how eager and excited I was in 1996 when I decided to become a full-time storyteller. I remembered how much I appreciated being mentored by librarians and others who were already working successfully in the field. I told her where she would be able to quickly connect with the huge network of active storytellers and storytelling groups from around the world. At the top of my list of resources was, an online website for storytellers and people who love the art of story. was founded in 1997 by Sean Buvala and was, I believe, the first resource of its kind. Now, there is a proliferation of storytelling sites, newsletters and blogs on the Internet, but in my mind will always be the best touchstone around for new and experienced storytellers alike.
Sean is a founder and the director of this fantastic website, maintaining this service even as he developed his own very successful storytelling business. Under Sean’s guidance, provides an extensive catalog of storytelling articles, interviews and related products. If a new storyteller has a question, chances are that question has been completely explored and answered by many working storytellers from all around the world.
Sean Buvala Performing During the
2012 Tucson Festival of Books
I hope the woman who contacted me visits often. I know the information and
guidance she finds there will help her greatly.
Over the years, Sean's website has certainly made
a difference for me, and this is why I am taking
time today to thank this dedicated storyteller for
nurturing so many hopeful storytellers
for so many years.
Thanks, Sean!

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