Monday, March 26, 2012

"How Much Do You Charge?"

Here I am telling stories on the
Storytelling Stage during the
2012 Tucson Festival of Books.

I am often approached by phone or by email by a potential customer asking the "how much do you charge" question. My answer is always "that depends.” I need to consider answers to the following questions before I can provide an accurate quote.

1) What kind of event is being planned?

A large school assembly is quite different from a family reunion, a festival workshop, a convention or a bridal shower. When I have an idea about what is being considered, I am able to determine if the event a good match for what I have to offer. This information also helps me learn if the potential audience will consist of children, mixed ages, or a specialized interest or age group.

2) What date and time will the show take place?

If I am already booked to do something else that day, I may not be available, or only able to book a program for another show if there is enough time to get from one venue to another.

3) Where will the event take place?

The answer to this question lets me know how much travel is required. For example, if I need to drive from one city to another to get to a venue, I may require a mileage stipend beyond my basic fee.

4) About how many will be in the audience?

The size of an audience helps me calculate the fee. If 500 people are expected, my fee will be different than what it would be for a show in front of 36 kids in a classroom.

5) How long will the anticipated performance be?

The cost for a 90-minute concert will not be the same as for a 45-minute show.

If you want to find out what I (or any performer) will charge to entertain your group, please be ready to offer details for these five questions.

I am always willing to discuss my fees with potential customers. When possible, I will do what I can to accommodate budgets. To book several shows the same day at one site or at nearby locations, be sure to ask about a block booking discount. Please feel free to email me through my website or contact me by phone (520-235-4171).

1 comment:

  1. This is a very helpful post; thank you for sharing your insights. I totally agree with your sentiments. There is also the dilemma when clients assume we will perform for free, that our work is a hobby rather than a professional position. A while ago I wrote a post in response to that situation that unfortunately happens far too often. It was written in response to a t-shirt design I saw on Facebook.

    Here is my response as to why we should be paid as artist.

    Thank you again for your wonderful work.

