We added a Squirrely Shirley “journal” to the Story Works
Group website during the 2010 tour, and took photos of the libraries where the
show was booked. If you would like to visit Shirley’s trip journal to see some
journal entries and site photos, just follow this link: http://storyworksgroup.com/shirleys_den/index.html
My enthusiasm about the Squirrely Shirley show has stayed with me
since then. With the 2010 pool and water safety program “in the can” and ready
to go whenever someone wants to book it, I started to research childhood
obesity, diabetes awareness and healthy choices. In 2011, when the “Taking Control of Your Diabetes” conference came to Tucson,
I spent the day learning about how diabetes is managed and how important it is for a diabetic to exercise regularly and eat well.
Our “Squirrely Shirley Meets Fry-Fry” show about healthy choices is now ready to go. I have written a complete proposal identifying high-profile promotional opportunities, branding possibilities for project sponsors, and a program delivery method to get important information into the hands of our audiences. For this performance to have the most impact, it should be provided without cost to libraries, schools, hospitals and community centers all around the country – this is where the project sponsor (or sponsors) comes in.
I've developed a plan to bring together a family health organization or diabetes prevention group; a business sponsor (or sponsors), a design firm; and (of course) Story Works Group (the Squirrely Shirley team of two - the storyteller and the puppeteer).
The show is currently being presented to audiences in Southern Arizona. We now need to identify some good folks willing to do something a bit different from the ordinary – a sponsor or sponsors with a sense of adventure and a willingness to have a little squirrel puppet promote their product(s) as she helps reinforce the need for children and families to make healthy choices for a lifetime of good health.
If you would like to see the two page executive summary of the "Squirrely Shirley Meets Fry-Fry" proposal, just let me know. (To get your copy of the summary, simply click on the word "comments" located in the red bar at the end of this blog entry and write "executive summary" in the comment box when it appears. I will email the PDF to you as soon as I receive your message.)
I had to use my "x-ray" vision, but I found the comment link. Move your mouse over the red bar above the +1 and go right, when the 'hand' shows up you've found the word comment (which will be changed shortly to read easier).
ReplyDeleteLove the picture of the child putting his hand in my tree trunk to get an autograph, I usually give a little kiss also.
Hi Squirrely Shirley!
DeleteI appreciate you taking the time to figure things out (I didn't know you had "x-ray vision.") Wow!)
I like that picture, too.
Your friend,
The Storyteller Person Lady, Glenda Bonin
ReplyDeleteIt works! Looks good!
Hello Barra!
DeleteThanks for sending me a message to let me know things are working now. Life is good.