When people contact you and say they are looking to find an entertainer for an event, but they have no budget, you are in a position to ask for something other than money as compensation. By doing this, you establish the fact that your work has value, and it alerts people to the idea that you are seriously looking forward to the time when you will be charging professional fees for what you do. Do not be shy about asking that in exchange for your time and talent, they (1) allow you to use them as a reference, (2) be willing to write a letter of recommendation on your behalf, and/or (3) can help you network and explore new opportunities.
I was a little nervous the first time I requested a letter of recommendation, but I soon learned that people are quite happy to accommodate a performer in this way. Furthermore, the unspoken message is that you are starting to move beyond the need for experience and exposure alone. This unspoken message translates into a new respect for you as an entertainer. It is a “cross-over” moment. I know this to be true, because once I realized I had reached a point when I could ask for acknowledgement in a tangible form, I began receiving fewer calls to work for free and more calls asking about my fees.
Performing Before Library Audiences is a Joy for Me! |
I am always happy to share the benefit of my experience with other performers. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions or comments.
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